Faculty of Dentistry

ËÄ»¢Ó°ÊÓ wants to meet the needs of oral health services in the country and beyond through the Bachelor of Dentistry program.

The faculty of dentistry is committed to the advancement in dental knowledge and the demand for leadership skills as MU has incorporated leadership, management and information technology in the course content.  A lot of emphasis has been put on the clinical and/or practical examination in the evaluation process.

The curriculum runs for Five academic years including one-year training internship.

Graduates are expected to be disciplined and ethical dentists and well versed with holistic approach to dental care management.

Degree objectives

  • To produce oral health professionals equipped with knowledge and skills in patient management.
  • To instill in the student integrity and professionalism in the management of patients and interaction with professional peers.
  • To equip the student with knowledge and critical thinking

Faculty of Dentistry
